My first impression while viewing his works was like watching a contemporary Brahmand (Universe). It gave me wings to imagine how the universe would look in watercolours. How would the universe look after a Big Bang created with free and expressive lines? The colourful blobs felt like tiny planets.
The strength of the artist over his medium can be judged by observing the layered watercolour works with bright and transparent colours that successfully retains the tonal character of each colour. It is the use of colour and its composition that gets the viewers to zoom into the dark matter and focus on the atom in the middle.
This is my imagination, and the beauty of his works is anyone can imagine and they are free to imagine. The artist is open to any such depiction and invites his viewers to be a part of his work. That is very interesting for me as a viewer where I am open to judge, imagine, think and make the art part of my life and thoughts.
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